Lucky Sudoku, BSV drawing everyday!100% Winning! - DotWallet

Lucky Sudoku, BSV drawing everyday!100% Winning!


Dear all


Thanks to the love of new and old user,


DotWallet specially launch the event


Lucky Sudoku


Drawing Lucky everyday,


Take BSV back home!



- Register/Login, Draw now -


During the period,


old user’s first login and new user’s registration


both can have one more time for lucky drawing



- Invite friends to register, Unlimited time to draw -


Send this active page to your friends and invite them to register


Every three registrations of second-degree friend


can add one extra time for lucky drawing


( For example: A can get one chance for drawing when B register successfully on the active page sent by A. B register successfully and send his own active page to C,D,E, when they all register successfully, B can add 3 times for drawing and A can add 1 time. )



- Share the active page, BSV drawing everyday -


Every 100 pageviews can add one time for lucky drawing(3 times/day tops)


The same user can only add 1 pageview during the period


For example: after the activity, top 10 have invited 2000 friends in total. The first have invited 500 friends, then he can own 2.5 BSV.



- RULE -


  1. Time:From now until 9.30
  2. Same phone, same WeChat and same mailbox are all considered as same user.
  3. DotWallet has right to disqualify and take back interests when someone disobey the rule or use improper means to gain extra interests.
  4. If you have questions, please click following to contact our customer service.Telegram:
  5. Official


100% Winning


Enter the drawing page,


To get more details.



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