Dear all
Thanks to the love of new and old user,
DotWallet specially launch the event
Lucky Sudoku
Drawing Lucky everyday,
Take BSV back home!
- Register/Login, Draw now -
During the period,
old user’s first login and new user’s registration
both can have one more time for lucky drawing
- Invite friends to register, Unlimited time to draw -
Send this active page to your friends and invite them to register
Every three registrations of second-degree friend
can add one extra time for lucky drawing
( For example: A can get one chance for drawing when B register successfully on the active page sent by A. B register successfully and send his own active page to C,D,E, when they all register successfully, B can add 3 times for drawing and A can add 1 time. )
- Share the active page, BSV drawing everyday -
Every 100 pageviews can add one time for lucky drawing(3 times/day tops)
The same user can only add 1 pageview during the period
For example: after the activity, top 10 have invited 2000 friends in total. The first have invited 500 friends, then he can own 2.5 BSV.
- RULE -
- Time:From now until 9.30
- Same phone, same WeChat and same mailbox are all considered as same user.
- DotWallet has right to disqualify and take back interests when someone disobey the rule or use improper means to gain extra interests.
- If you have questions, please click following to contact our customer service.Telegram:
- Official
100% Winning
Enter the drawing page,
To get more details.
★ Come and get real Bitcoin! ★