Transactions Information in DotWallet - DotWallet

Transactions Information in DotWallet



Each submitted transaction will automatically generate a detailed info list, This detailed list covers all info in a transaction. Let's take a look:


Miner fee: This fee is for the miner who contributes computing power to the current transaction. That is the service fee for the miners who pack the transaction on the chain.


Creation time: the creation time of the transaction.


Transaction numberYou can use the txid of the transaction to check the information on the blockchain.


Input address: It is the transfer address of the transaction. Once the assets are transferred in, they are not recovered. Be sure to confirm the address before transferring.


Output address: It is the receiving address and balance address.


Confirmation number: After a transaction is completed, it is propagated in the blockchain network, and the node that receives it will carry it out to the next. This process makes sure the transaction is validated by the blockchain. The figure of confirmations is the number of nodes that have received the broadcast.