The importance of decentralization - DotWallet

The importance of decentralization


The 1980s, the world gradually entered the Internet era, and Internet services were built on open protocols controlled by the Internet community. In centralized services, all data and information is stored in the databases of Internet companies. Regardless of whether these companies centralize content distribution, they hope to use these data to generate business value.


And decentralization, as the name implies, does not mean centralization, but in fact, decentralization does not mean that there is no center, but that the center is diversified. Anyone can become a center. Any center is not permanent. The center does not have everyone.


Decentralization was originally an ecological principle in the natural sciences, In a system with many nodes, each node has a high degree of autonomy. The nodes can be freely connected to each other to form a new connection unit. Any node may become a phased center, but it does not have a mandatory center control function. The influence between nodes will form a non-linear cause and effect relationship through the network. This open, flat, and equal system phenomenon or structure is called decentralization.


Why do we need decentralization? This starts from the advantages of decentralization.


Stronger fault tolerance: In a decentralized system, each node is relatively independent, so it is unlikely to stop working due to a local unexpected failure, so its fault tolerance is stronger.


Attack resistance: In real life, attacking a centralized centralized system may only require attacking a centralized database, but in the heartache of decentralized speech, the cost of attacking and destroying it is higher than that of centralized systems.


Anti-collusion: A centralized system, it is easy to program self-interest group monopolies, but in a decentralized system, participants are independent and it is difficult to collusion with each other.